How To: Cook lemon Cornish hens

Cook lemon Cornish hens

This is a video which demonstrates how to cook lemon Cornish hens. This will be a great addition to your dinner repertoire. No one will be able to keep their hands off it.
Cast Iron Pan
Baby Chickens
Olive oil
Salt & Pepper
Garlic Powder
Ground Mustard
Chicken Broth

Add olive oil to the cast iron pan and let the pan heat up. Season both sides of chicken with salt, pepper, garlic powder and ground mustard. Add lemon zest on one side of the baby chickens. Now place the baby chickens in iron pan just to brown the chicken. Once the chicken has browned, add a little of chicken stock to the bottom of the cast iron pan. Turn off the heat and place sliced lemons on top of each baby chicken. Scatter chopped parsley over chicken. Preheat oven to 350 degrees, place foil over the cast iron pan and leave for about 20-25 minutes. Then broil in oven until chicken is brown.

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