How To: Make a Chinese duck with a tea and salt cure

Make a Chinese duck with a tea and salt cure

This method gives the duck a firm and crisp skin. To make this, you will need: 2 ounces Hu-Kwa tea (or any black tea), 2 ounces black peppercorns, 2 ounces sugar, 1 pound kosher salt, 1 Peking duck, 4 oranges, 2 cups cure, 4 cloves garlic, 1 bottle white wine, 2 cups duck or veal stock, 1/2 cup sherry, 1/2 cup red wine, 1/2 cup bitter orange marmalade, 1/2 cup port or currant jelly and a handful of husk cherries.

Make a Chinese duck with a tea and salt cure

Make a Chinese duck with a tea and salt cure Click through to watch this video on

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